11-04-2020 08:56 AM
سرايا - خالف البرتغالي كريستيانو رونالدو نجم يوفنتوس الإيطالي، قواعد الحجر الصحي المنزلي الذي دعا إليه بنفسه عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، لمواجهة فيروس كورونا المستجد.
Cristiano Ronaldo trained at the Choupana stadium in Madeira, Portugal, and his return to Turin is imminent. Juve's crack has been in his country for a month, where he was quarantined. (Photos: Diario Noticias) pic.twitter.com/pGWhCFuW7u
— Enock Kobina Essel Niccolò Makaveli (@EnockKobinaEsse) April 9, 2020
"#CristianoRonaldo non rispetta le regole": bufera in #Portogallo https://t.co/nZAg8NvZ79
— Corriere dello Sport (@CorSport) April 10, 2020
Cristiano Ronaldo pictured training yesterday at the Madeira stadium [@b3naldo7] pic.twitter.com/XB1Jj6ABsn
— TeamCRonaldo (@TeamCRonaldo) April 10, 2020